Sunday, January 21, 2007

Christmas Volunteer Opportunities at Puerto Vallarta Rentals Premier Vacations

Christmas Volunteer Opportunities at PVRPV
Every child should have a present or two beneath the tree this year. Every family, whether biological or chosen, should enjoy the warm fellowship of kin and the delight of a wonderful meal to share it with.
If you would be so inclined, feel free to call any PVRPV Staff member today for additional information. This is a year round commitment to giving back to our community and you can certainly help!
PVRPV has a longstanding commitment to giving back into this wonderful community we call home. Several of our employees have participated in several non-profit opportunities for many years and as a company we have chosen to assist those in our midst who need support. We are doing several things that you may want to join us with.
We have identified a large community of mostly women and children who actually live in and support themselves off of the Puerto Vallarta land fill or dump. They actually feed and cloth themselves from the dump. There are organizations that support them with food and clothing. However, we believe that to actually break the cycle of poverty education is a real priority.
So we are doing our bit by working with other local expatriate business and restaurants in PV to bring school supplies to them as well as sponsor several promising students to stay in school. As these folks are desperately poor, they cannot afford the supplies and costs of their education. This is we where you and PVRPV come into action.
On your next visit to Puerto Vallarta please bring an extra suitcase of basic every day school supplies. Talk to your friends, community groups or your faith based organization about the possibility of gathering these for your next trip to Vallarta. This is changing lives and families for generations; your assistance is sincerely appreciated. Each Monday afternoon we head out to the area with some great food from area restaurants and our school supplies and spend just a few hours encouraging and working with many of the older children about school and its importance for the future. We meet at Andale’s Restaurant on Olas Altas at 2pm each Monday and head out to the site. Please feel free to join us next time you are in Vallarta.
January Sponsorships are Coming Fast!
Can you help??
For the low cost of $250 sponsorship per year you can keep a child in school. Most quit by the time they are 12-13 years old and go to work. This has been a rewarding and successful venture and we look forward to your kind assistance. You will get to know your child and if you are inclined develop a relationship for the four years this child is in school. We can promise your life will be changed for the good as well as the child you assist.
Please call Mike at PVRPV at 1.877.462.7720 or for additional information.