Sunday, January 21, 2007

Moments in Vallarta

It is simply amazing how hot and sticky weather can go so swiftly to cool and refreshing. In less than a short two weeks we have done just that. Wonderful cool dry air has been moving in to Vallarta slowly and lovingly after such a treacherously wet, oppressively hot summer. No more rain deluges and storms raging. Change is blowing in on cool breezes, folks!
Just in time too. We are seeing the sudden awakening of the city. Shops are getting open and slapping on a fresh coat of paint. Everyone is spring cleaning this fall in anticipation of the arrival of High Season here in Puerto Vallarta. Every one is bustling about getting into high gear. We are in the midst of this season?s start of a grand season. The first fundraisers are on, parties planned, villas reserved and the city is poised to enjoy great success.